As a dedicated war risks provider with cover overseen by the shipping community we serve, the UK War Risks Club offers superior cover at a competitive price.

Loss and/or damage to hull

Risk UK War Risks Market Cover*
Limits Agreed value Agreed value
Salvage Y Y
General Average Y Y
Presumption of irrecoverable loss giving rise to CTL 12 months from date of detention 12 months from date of detention
Earliest date CTL can be presented 183 days from date of detention -
Blocking and Trapping Y Y

Detention or Diversion Expenses

Risk UK War Risks Market Cover*
Detention or Diversion Expenses Y N
Limits Up to agreed value (less 7 day deductible and hire received) N
Daily running expenses in case of detention plus 10% of ship value pro rata if above 90 days, for the whole period Y N
Net additional running expenses in case of diversion Y N

P&I Liabilities

Risk UK War Risks Market Cover*
P&I Liabilities Y Y
Limits $500 million each occurrence Sum insured
Loss of life/personal injury/illness Y Y
Wreck removal Y Y
Pollution liability Y N


  1. Market Cover* Institute War and Strikes Clauses [1/10/83]/ Institute P&I War Strikes Clauses (Hulls) [20/7/87]
  2. The above table is for comparative purposes only. Reference should be made to the UK War Risks Rules and the Institute War and Strikes Clauses [1/10/83]/ Institute P&I War Strikes Clauses (Hulls) [20/7/87] full details of the cover and the exclusions which apply in each case.
  3. The above comparison has been prepared by Chris Zavos (Partner) and Joanna Ward (Of Counsel) of Norton Rose Fulbright (subject to note 3).
  4. Norton Rose Fulbright LLP is a member of Norton Rose Fulbright Verein, a Swiss Verein. Norton Rose Fulbright Verein helps coordinate the activities of the Norton Rose Fulbright members but does not itself provide legal services to clients. References to “Norton Rose Fulbright”, “the law firm”, and “legal practice” are to one or more of the Norton Rose Fulbright members or to one of their respective affiliates (together “Norton Rose Fulbright entity/entities”). No individual who is a member, partner, shareholder, director, employee or consultant of, in or to any Norton Rose Fulbright entity (whether or not such individual is described as a “partner”) accepts or assumes responsibility, or has any liability, to any person in respect of this communication. Any reference to a partner or director is to a member, employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications of the relevant Norton Rose Fulbright entity.

View our latest Rules & Circulars

Why mutual?

UK War Risks is a mutual club, owned by its Members. Each Member contributes to finance a collective cover for all the Members. The aim is to provide superior cover at competitive rates, and always with the Members’ interests at the heart.

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Our experienced team works with ship owners, operators and brokers to organise cover for international fleets anywhere in the world. Call our underwriting team today on +44 (0)20 7283 4646 or e-mail us ( about your Membership.

How does it work?

What factors are important in arriving at a war risks quotation and how do we go about it?

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