UK War Risks is a specialist international insurance designed to protect ships of virtually any type or size against loss or malicious damage caused by a third party, anywhere in the world.

Why do you need war risks insurance?

Put simply, war risks insurance is designed to cover risks that standard hull insurance and P&I insurance choose to exclude. This typically includes damage or loss caused by:

  • war, civil war, revolution and rebellion 
  • capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detention 
  • mines, torpedoes, bombs or other weapons of war, even when derelict 
  • damage or loss caused by strikes and labour disturbances 
  • terrorists, people acting maliciously or from a political motive 
  • piracy or violent theft by people from outside the ship

Why choose UK War Risks?

As a specialist in war risks (it’s all that we do), UK War Risks cover brings you five distinct advantages:

  1. Superior protection open to international fleets, expertly designed and constantly evolved by the industry, for the industry.
  2. An experienced team who will ensure that you get the right cover in place now and throughout the year.
  3. Experts with global resources ready to support you, should the worst happen. 
  4. A claims process that reimburses Members promptly, easing cash flow and helping you to get back to business as fast as possible. 
  5. A Board consisting of ship owners who are positively disposed towards settling claims for members.

View our latest Rules & Circulars

What about my ship?

Need to understand how war risks applies to your ship or fleet? Call us on +44 (0)20 7283 4646 or e-mail the team (

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